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Crash Course in Hotel Entrepreneurship
Crash Course in Hotel Entrepreneurship
Successfully Complete Your Degree at PHCHS
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Hospitality studies is a field of study that focuses on the hospitality industry, including hotels, restaurants, and other related businesses. It is a multidisciplinary field which covers topics such as Customer service, Food and beverages, Housekeeping, Information Technology, Marketing, Finance, HR, Management, Hospitality Law and other related disciplines.
Hospitality studies can be pursued at the undergraduate and graduate level. Courses typically focus on the operational and managerial aspects of the hospitality industry, as well as the customer experience. Students will gain knowledge and skills.
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I am pursuing my degree in Hospitality studies in Pillai HOC College, Rasyani and it has the best infrastructure, modified guest room. Well maintained hygienic kitchen, well maintained housekeeping lab and classrooms. We have best training kitchen and quality training kitchen. We also have modified restaurant and convection oven. Our college organizes industrial visits, conferences, vocational and industrial training and also gives sure shot placements and also provides hostel and mess facility.

Hospitality Studies course at Pillai HOC campus Rasayani provides practical training and equips students with essential skills, such as customer service, communication and problem solving. These facilitites prepare us for a successful career in the fast growing hospitality industry and improves our inter personal skills, confidence, leadership abilities. Our campus provides hands on training and real world experience. These practical experiences and language skills prepare usfor successful career in the global hospitality industry.

Talking about Hospitality course, hospitality has various sectors of society, travel and tourism, hotel chains, cabin crew, airlines, retail and management. There is a wide range of opportunities, we learn various activities to do in our Pillai HOC college. Faculty of our college is very good, they always help us and also understand students. They also provide us training and placements at the 5 star properties and resorts.

The college has the best infrastructure for hospitality studies and has all the latest to the mark equipments. Our faculty makes the course so much interesting and help us thoroughly to learn in detail about bakery, traditional food, multi-cuisine and beverages and much more.

Hospitality studies course is an excellent investment for students interested in the hospitality industry. Pillai HOC college of Hotel Management provides practical training, essential skills, job prospects, networking opportunities and personal growth for students. College facilities like kitchens, classrooms, restaurant, housekeeping lab, guest room and patisserie kitchen. Opportunities to learn different foreign languages like French to enhance our communication skills with guests around the world makes us ready to rock the global hospitality market.